Business over Donations for Nepal


The #GoHome movement was phenomenal that even I couldn’t resist swaying my hands away, people rose from every corner of the country and world to show the rest of the world that Nepalese will not remain hushed for every misrepresentation Indian media imposed. This was on the very initial days of the earthquake and as an after earthquake social activist I had a hunch that it wouldn’t be long before Nepalese get back on their feet and continue doing their chores. #Stillnepal #Stillsmining is amongst the campaigns with a positive lead to my hunch. These campaigns invite travelers who have been stationed or landed in Nepal post quake, intended to boost post Earthquake confidence for travellers willing to trot in this beautiful country. These are the signs that we are up, moving and are not frowning for what we had no control of.
The request to the entire world is to…

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