

What is the purpose of my birth? I am here  to execute which task in this world? Nobody said  Isaac Newton to discover gravitational force, nobody asked Beethoven to create symphony , then why did they create so? The light of their soul lead them to the path of their destiny…………………Swami Vivekananda said “When you have born as human being  you should make your  mark in this world”………………….Living a lengthy life without any purpose is of no worth, only to eat drink and be merry cannot be one’s journey…………….its a journey of AATMANANG BIDHI[ know yourself]. Its a journey inside.

59 thoughts on “About

  1. You are so kind to like my post today on Tide Line Still Life. In doing so, you have made the world a bit smaller for me. Wonderful! best, Maggie


  2. Thanks for liking my post on Durga Puja…I agree with what you have written on this page…We humans are all unique and our journey through life is actually a journey within towards self-discovery and self-realization…


  3. Thank you for stopping by @ trashbus and liking my post “As the River Turned Red”! And keep up the good work, you seem to take real good care of your blog among other things 🙂


  4. Thank you for visiting my site. Your about page is beautiful and inspiring. So I am going to follow you… and say a prayer for the people in Nepal.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, very interesting, and stirring too. I must thank you for reblogging some of my entries, been meaning to do it for a few days but been very busy with work in Nepal so not got around to it until now. So, a huge thanks for likes and any reblogs. I am just starting out in terms of blogging so I don’t really know my arse from my elbow, but will learn as time goes on. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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